Thursday 12 October 2017

Technology usage does not come with instructions

Technology usage does not come with instructions in order to be guided how human beings can use this at the best of their benefit...

This disguised escapism in the form of a virtual reality although sometimes this escapism can be beneficial i.e.
* when that is used for knowledge sharing purposes
* or when that can act as a "different pair of glasses",
* or when that can connect the world by superseding racial/social backgrounds with inspiring ideas/areas of common interest, as boarders are just in our minds
it can also become dangerous
* for privacy issues
* and other issues such as misguided manipulation; technology can be used as a mean of distortion of what is real or what is true.
* or  can be blamed for decreasing the quality of our lives, as technology can be used as a mean of information that is not always useful but rather harmful or due to the technology we have items of mass production that do not have the emotional aspect that a handcrafted item would for example.

Beneficial or not, we are now in Research & Development phase or on a continued testing mode phase.
Who is the tester and what is the outcome of this research?
The impact will be visible in the years to come.

Areas of our lives are governed by civil or religious laws to establish fairness, discipline and guidance. However, this life that technology promises is mainly virtual as far as the internet and social media are concerned. Isn't this an area that usage should have come with instructions?

Five potential do not do this instructions could be the following:

* do not use technology prior sleeping or when waking up; it's bad for the mind.

* do not use technology on a non stop basis; have a break, have a kit kat.

* do not use social media to reveal internal affairs; don't wash your dirty linen in public, it's an ill bird that fouls its own nest!

* do not use social media to share the moment; live the moment to the maximum, share this later. If all moments are shared, then which moment will remain yours? It's not all about sharing, is it?

* do not use social media to contact real friends; real friends have senses and other feelings that these can not be captured by a "like" or a comment or a picture. A picture is not always 1000 words and if it is use your own emotions and words to express those.

With  for philosophy,

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